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Горчиво! Принцеса Беатрис с тайна сватба в Уиндзор (Снимки)

Принцеса Беатрис от Йорк се омъжи

За любовта няма граници дори по време на пандемия. Принцесата на Йорк — Беатрис, най-после каза „Да“ на тържествена церемония. Двамата трябваше да се венчаят в гвардейския параклис на двореца Сейнт Джеймс в края на май. Но церемонията им беше отложена заради пандемията с коронавирус и редица скандали, които избухнаха около баща й принц Андрю. Въпреки това двамата успяха да се оженят. Церемонията бе тайна, а на нея присъстваха само най-близките членове на младото семейство.

Потвърдено беше, че в замъка Уиндзор са присъствали кралицата и принц Филип, които сияели от радост, както и бабата и дядото на Едуардо Моци. Родителите на Беатрис — принц Андрю и херцогинята на Йорк също са били на церемонията. Но не е ясно дали сестра й принцеса Йожени и съпругът й Джак Брукбанкс са могли да присъстват.

Церемонията е била толкова тайна, че само малка част от кралското семейство е била поканена. Меган и Хари със сигурност не са били част от събитието, но е много вероятно Кейт и Уилям да са присъствали, макар и без децата.

Беатрис и Едо живеят в Чипинг Нортън в провинциалната си къща със свекървата си Ники Шейл. Младият италиански граф има едно дете от предишната си връзка, но се раздели още преди години с приятелката си.

Поздравленията за младоженците бяха поднесени в социалните мрежи от техни приятели и роднини. Подробностите около сватбата тепърва ще бъдат оповестени от кралската администрация, а първите снимки може да видите в галерията по-долу.


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Princess Beatrice is married! ?? After the coronavirus and her father’s scandalous step back from royal duties caused her to push back her Buckingham Palace wedding several times, the Princess was finally able to tie the knot to fiancé Edo Mapelli-Mozzi this morning! ☺️ The wedding took place at the Royal Chapel of All Saints in Windsor Great Park and was attended by around 20 family members and friends. ?? The Queen, 94, and Prince Philip, 99, are pictured here arriving to the ceremony. Beatrice’s parents Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson, both 60, and her sister Princess Eugenie and her husband Jack Brooksbank, both 30, were also in attendance. A friend of Bea told The Sun that the ceremony was arranged for today to make sure the Queen could attend before she leaves Windsor for Balmoral at the end of the month. The night before the wedding, Beatrice, 31, stayed at her parents’ residence at The Royal Lodge. Her new husband is Eduardo “Edo” Mapelli-Mozzi, 36, the son of Count Alessandro Mapelli-Mozzi, a former British Olympian and Italian nobleman. ?? Edo’s father Alex, 69, his mother Nikki Williams-Ellis, 64, and his sister Natalia Yeomans, 38, were also expected to be on the small guest list. Edo is the founder and CEO of Banda property development and interior design company, and is the father of a son named Wolfie, 4, from a previous relationship. Congratulations Bea and Edo!! ? Photos: Missan Harriman / Jon Bond and Dan Charity / The Sun. . . #vandypop #popculture #pop #news #celebritynews #royals #theroyalfamily #royalfamily #queenelizabeth #princephilip #princeandrew #princessbeatrice #princesseugenie #jackbrooksbank #fergie #sarahferguson #edo #edomapellimozzi #eduardomapellimozzi #theroyallodge #windsorpark #windsor #windsorgreatpark #royalchapelofallsaints #wedding #surprisewedding #weddingannouncement #royalwedding #alessandromapellimozzi #bandaproperty

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ROYAL WEDDING ❤️ Princess Beatrice married Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi at a secret Royal Wedding in Windsor today with The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh in attendance. The couple wed surrounded by family and friends in All Saints Chapel, Windsor Great Park on 17th July 2020. The select group of around 20 guests followed strict social distancing measures that were set in place. A friend of Beatrice’s said: „A massive wedding was out of the question because of coronavirus. They were obviously very keen for the Queen to come so the wedding had to happen before she goes up to Balmoral so this was a great opportunity. So many guests were disappointed not to make the big day but understood the reason for it. They needed to make the wedding Covid-secure and safe for the Queen so what better way than the All Saints Chapel with reception on site at the Royal Lodge. They are just like a normal family and had to make sacrifices like many others have up and down the country and looking forward to having a wonderful celebration when the time is right.“ #katemiddleton #duchessofcambridge #princewilliam #dukeofcambridge #dukeandduchessofcambridge #britishroyalfamily #princegeorge #princegeorgeofcambridge #georgealexanderlouis #princesscharlotte #princesscharlotteofcambridge #charlotteelizabethdiana #princelouis #princelouisofcambridge #louisarthurcharlesofcambridge #princessbeatrice #princessbeatriceofyork #edoardomapellimozzi #princesseugenie #princesseugenieofyork #royalwedding

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I need this in my life just putting it out there. As part of the Chaos SixtyNine Lips cover with @patmcgrathreal and @philpoynter HRH Princess Beatrice of York was kind enough to sit for a personal portrait session. Here’s the result… Stunning! in support of Be Cool Be Nice Movement of which she is an ambassador of. #princessbeatrice #RoyalStyle #RoyalWeddings #PrinceofWales #PrincessDiana #PrincessofWales #LadyDiana #Dianaspencer #FashionIcon #PeoplesPrincess #QueenofHearts #PrinceWilliam #KateMiddleton #PrinceHarry #MeghanMarkle #DuchessofSussex #DuchessofCambridge #PrincessEugenie #PrincessBeatrice #QueenElizabeth #DukeofSussex #SussexBaby #DukeofCambridge @princesseugenie @theroyalfamily @hrhprincessbeatriceofyork

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